
DIY an Ultraviolet LED Flashlight

LED bulbs are the next big thing when it comes to flashlights. LED flashlights can cost hundreds of dollars, depending on the kind of LED bulb used. However, you can make your own ultraviolet LED flashlight for far less. Be aware, however, that once your friends see it, they may want you to make them one also.
1 Find an ultraviolet LED (Light Emitting Diode) from your local electronics store or online.
2 Purchase a 1/4 watt 100 ohm resistor. This also should be available at your local electronics store or online.
3 Buy a flashlight that requires up to 4 1.5 volt batteries to run when making your own ultraviolet LED flashlight.
4 Remove the bulb from the flashlight you purchased. You may have to use a scissors clamp to remove the bulb from the flashlight without breaking it. Be sure to grasp the bulb by its metal collar, and gently pull the bulb up out of its setting.

5 Hold the bulb by its collar with the scissors clamp, and heat up the base of the bulb with a soldering iron. Make sure you use eye protection as you do so.
6 Wait for the solder to cool, and then tap the scissors clamp, as it's still holding the bulb, against your work bench. You may have to do this rather sharply. By tapping the scissors clamp in this manner, you dislodge any melted solder from the bulb. You can choose to use a solder wick instead of tapping the scissors clamp against the workbench and achieve the same result. Basically, you want to get rid of any excess.
7 Check the bottom of the bulb to see if you made a small hole in the bulb's base when making an ultraviolet LED flashlight.
8 Solder the 100 ohm resistor to the positive lead on the flashlight you are using to make your own ultraviolet LED flashlight.
9 Bend the shorter negative lead on the LED about 90 degrees. It should extend away from the LED base.
10 Shorten the lead that's the longest by clamping a pair of scissor clamps. The clamps should rest against the LED. Clip off any excess of the lead, leaving only a little protruding beyond the scissors clamp. Shorten the leads on the 100 ohm resistor so they're up to ½ inch long.
11 Attach the 100 ohm resistor to the positive lead by soldering it. You can use the scissors clamp as a heat sink as you do this. Do not allow the solder to flow for more than two seconds.
12 Insert the longer lead through the base of the LED light bulb and through the hole you created.
13 Make sure you put the LED bulb in a position that's as close to the original flashlight bulb when you create your own ultraviolet LED flashlight.
14 Let the resistor's free lead keep its 90-degree bend, and allow it to drop into a slot on the base's side and into the solder.
15 Keep the LED bulb centered, then bend the resistor's lead down so it's now pointing toward the base's bottom. Bend the other lead so it's now sticking out of the base at a 90-degree angle.
16 Utilize rosin flux to solder the negative lead to the solder on the side of the base when you're making your own ultraviolet LED flashlight. Remove any excess of the lead that remains. Solder the bulb's base to the lead that's extending to the base, and remove any excess.
17 Check to make sure no portion of the lead extends beyond the outer walls of the bulb's base. You may have to bend the leads to ensure this. You can make the leads flat against the bottom of the base. This will also serve as your bottom contact when you are making your own ultraviolet LED flashlight.
18 Put in the new LED bulb into the flashlight. You can make sure there's enough room for the batteries by wrapping cloth around a dowel that's the right size and making sure it fits inside. Insert the batteries and enjoy. You have just created an ultraviolet LED flashlight.

