
Way to Use an LED Grow Light Panel

United LED grow lights are used in greenhouses and small indoor gardens. You can change the light wavelengths to produce the spectrum of light that a particular plant needs. LEDs are more energy efficient than traditional grow lights; they use less energy, last longer and produce little heat. They are so efficient that NASA uses them as grow lights in space.

1 Research your plant to determine its light needs, and most efficient day and night cycles.
2 Measure one foot above the maximum growing height of your plant, and mark the height on the wall with a pencil. Mount the LED Globe Bulb manufacturer according to manufacturer's instructions at this mark.
3 Set the electrical light timer to the correct time. Program the on and off intervals of the timer to control the day and night cycle. Plug the LED grow light into the timer.
4 Monitor the carbon dioxide levels of the air. Some Haining LED Panel Lights may emit a large amount of absorbed light that may change the carbon dioxide levels in the air. Use a carbon dioxide generator to add carbon dioxide as needed, up to 1500-parts per million.

