
Change Christmas Lights to LEDs

LED lights shine brighter and are more economical than traditional lights. If you want to make a statement with your Christmas lights, consider replacing the old bulbs with Haining Ejai LED high bay light . LED lights produce more wattage per bulb at a fraction of the cost, which makes them an excellent choice for replacing traditional Christmas lightbulbs. Replacing the lights is easy to do and will draw a lot of attention to your outdoor Christmas display.
1 Unplug the lights from the wall outlet. Make sure that there is no electrical current running through the Christmas lights when you replacing the bulbs.
2 Remove the traditional bulbs from the string of lights. Gently hold the bulb between your thumb and forefinger and pull it out of the housing.
3 Compare your old bulbs with the new LED street lamp lights to make sure you've got the right size. If you still have it, check the box the lights came in to see what size the bulbs were. You can also take a bulb to the store and ask for help in determining the proper-size LED.
4 Remove the LED bulbs from the package. Carefully inspect the package to determine how much wattage it uses. Anilumin LED bulbs use less wattage than typical lights, so more of them can be strung together. If the package says they are 0.04 amps, then you can get string together about 20 to 30.
5 Replace the bulb by pushing the LED into the housing until it snaps in place. Once all the bulbs are installed, plug the string in to test it out.

